Showers of barakat of Imtihan in Dar al suruur Burhanpur. 

 23rd Rajab - 1st of Shaban.


By Dr Shaikh Mustafa F Zakir


Like a powerful magnet Syedna Aali Qadr Mufafdal Saifuddin TUS attracted and captivated the hearts of thousands of mumineen towards walayat of Ahle Bait and Aimmat tahereen and Doat Mutlaqeen, during the 9 historic days, whose every hour, evrry minute and second was filled with celstial barakaat

The historic journey culminated on the 1st day of Shabaan al kareem.

Maula delivered the traditional ikhtitaam khutba nuraniyah from the ghurfat mubaraka. This bayaan indeed transformed Burhanpur into Jannatul firdaus.


He overwhelmed all the listeners, by the eloquent khutba he delivered in the majlis of alwadaa.

 Even today this khutba mubaraka he delivered on that day in the midst of abnaul jamean, resonates in the hearts of mumineen. And that compassionate tone and the subtle voice, and strong modulation, with baffling arguments on the subject of haq, and how Maulaya Hakimuddin always dejected the fraudulant and ill-willed hearts of the munafiqeen. The imtihan was a great moment of transformation because of the essential spirit engrained in it. It set the stage for the figt of haq and batil. 


The historic khutba mubaraka and its presentation along with the depth of holistic ilm, wisdom and philosophy that it carries continue to leave every seeker of truth, every mumin spellbound and deeply convinced of the righteousness of Imams and Doats.

That is the mojizo and impact of sehre halal. The subtle argumentative words, clarified the burhan and evidence of haq, in the hearts and souls of mumineen, that defined the true path and ushered the true Islam, exemplified by syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin in his entire life.

 A river of wisdom was seen gushing out from the qudsaani bosom of maula towards the minds of the hazereen listeners.


كم سجرت من حكمة خضرما *  

كم نهرت من الهدى نهرا 

During the imtihan al shafahi,

The hayaat taiyyebah, the life and times of Rasulullah and its various epochs upto the last day of his life, the maqam of amirul mumineen Maulana Ali and Aimmat tahereen and Doat mutlaqeen enlightened the majlis.

The essence of fatimi philosophy is conceived in the Rasail Shareefa of Doat Mutlaqeen.

Syedna's khutba mubaraka this day was the essence and cream of all Risala Shareefa.

What a marvelous khutba it is! We coud never have fathomed the philosophy and intrinsic meaning that rasail shareefa imbibes if Maulana Aali qadr wouldn't have transmitted to us its narrative and its philosophical essence. 

How can we express the fraction of shukr of this nemat!

The hours and minutes were moments we were living in jannat quenching our thirsts from kausar and salsal. 

The days of imtihan began with fajar imamat namaz with maula in the masjid. Exactly 6 a.m Maula conducted namaz.

Then 6.20 Maula performed zyarat and abnaul jamea were seated in the sehan till 7.45 A.M . The atmosphere of this majlis was like of ashara mubaraka.

Purjosh Matam, tilawat e marsiya and noha aweel was continuously carried on all the time. 

Saadat kiraam includding mazoon saheb mukasir saheb all came out of the roza in sehan mubarak to join in this matam majlis.

This nemat is unprecedented here in Burhanpur and also not seen any place before. It was a unique shaan of Maula.

After zyarat a delicious and nutritious filled with rch diet breakfast was served.

Then 10.30 A.M shafahi.

2.p.m after Noon zohor asar namaz.

Maghrib namaz.


Matam noha maraasi majlis. For one hour. It was indeed an ashara mubarakah experience.

The Quran says; 

On the day of judgement Allah will be asking us;

Didn't I give you this azeem nemat of this I'm and philosophy, didn't we quench you with the water of the river of Kausar? And bestowed upon you the nemat of lailatul qadr?

How did you reciprocate to this nemat and barakat?

Did you earnestly follow the footsteps of Maulatuna Fatema?

How deeply you did tasbeeh e Fatema after every namaz?

Did you perform purjosh matam of Maulatuna Fatema every moment you remembered her anguish and musibat?

Did you weep and express intense noha aweel for her?

 Did your heart and soul cry to reach for her shafa'at? Did you cry to her, for shafa'at of your soul, in the final moment of its life, and for your behtar akherat? Did you seek the barakaat of qudsani tears and aansu of Maulatuna Fatema?

Did you manifest and express your muhabbat by exploding in bursts after bursts of extreme grief and deep sorrow for the pains and musibat she underwent for the cause of Islam and mumineen?

Allah will indeed ask us on the day of qayamat.

We urge our Allah and Maulaya Hakimuddin and Maulana Aali qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin.

To pour upon us the showers of compassion and shafa'at.

                   مولاتنا تفضلي وامنني * 

 و بدلي العسر لنا يسرا 

O Maula! O Syyedana ! Yes we are drowned in qusuur, but our muhabbat for panjatan, aimmat, doat, especially for Maula and Imam Husain and Ahle bait and shohada of Karbala has no qusuur, wallah al azeem. We cry!

            وليت وجهي لبنيك السرى *  

 حبا و وليت العدى ظهرا 

Inni uhibboka ya maulaya.

By the waseela of Maula, and by the ilm and its message we pray,

May we rise to the levels of Imaan that he wished for us. Let us be "ghulaamaane fatimiyyeen" in the true sense, of its word and spirit.

We aspire and desire to lead a humble life of servitude and khidmat and pray, May Maula accept our humble khidmat.

 In his enthralling bayaan mubarak Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin revealed the magnificence and meanings embedded in this imtihaan.

His nasihat and bayaan can be seen in several of his waaz, which can be found in iqtibasaat and reflections in kunuuz and other sites.

 The intrinsic symbols and meanings enshrined in the name Burhanpur, reflects to the exalted status of Maulaya Abdul qadir Hakimuddin A Q and his lofty maqam, conferred only upon him by Allah Subhanahu.

The life of Maulaya Abdulqadir Hakimuddin AQ. and his undeterred khidmat of Doat mutlaqeen is signified by the majestic mazaar Hakimi. Especially the maqam of qabr mubarak where he was first burried is certainly a sign of his piety and taqwa.

 Also the Doat who carried the barakat of his principles of ikhlas and ideals are harbingers of the exclusive Shaanat fatimiyah ordained for them by Allah.. 

We remember this qabr mubarak which even today speaks about the harsh tyranny, Maula had to bear even after his wafaat. His entire life is nuur, it is a beacon of hidayat, it is safeenatul najaat, and till today mumineen revere this qabr mubarak and recall the pathetic haalat which is entrenched in every mumin's heart.

 We remember this as a continuous episode of history that bears the torch of hidayat and righteousness, the torch of Islam, the torch of Imaan. 

 On that day when he was buried, a battle, was fought, which has given life to the deen of Islam.

It was not merely a battle, rather it was a sacrifice meant to bring life to the dying humanity.

The celebration and understanding of the khutba is a reflection of mumineen's aqeeda and belief in the continuity of Fatimi wirasat, and the tasulsulul of the rutba azeema of aimmat, doat and our Maula aali qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS 

Our Maula represents the philosophy and essence construed in the message of this enshrined in the hayaat tayyibah of Syedi Abdulqadir Hakimuddin AQ.

In the waaz mubarak and his ikhtitaam khutba,

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS said: 

Cruelty of such magnitude had never been heaped on anyone in history.

 Maulana Husain A.S was tortured and terrorised by the ruthless and merciless tyrant who had an age-old-hatred and enmity for Rasulullah S.A.W and his progeny for imminent reasons that are well known.


Even as the intensity and severity of zulm and unbearable persecution upon Maulana Husain amplified and intensified nevertheless, his unwavering sabr did not cease. The ruthless zulm did not even spare a sibling an infant merely 6 months old, the farzand maulana Aliasgar who was crying for a drop of water for 3 days and nights in the cradle, was ruthlessly killed by laeen and his tyrant band of merciless killers.

No grief or sorrow can bring sabar to any human being who imagines this kind of zulm o jafaa. It is beyond the limit of all forbearance. 

How can a mumin get sabr when he hears how Maulatena Zainab and ummekulsum, saw with their own eyes, standing helplessly on the threshold of their khaima, terrified and grief stricken as laeen ruthlessly and with all his might was inflicting blows after blows of zulm on ahle bait and ashaab kiram.

Zainab and Ahle bait watched all these tyranny and persecution, helplessly and this image would be deeply carved in their memory, for the rest of their unimaginably tragic life. 

Zainab and Ahle Bait could not bear to imagine, the swollen cheeks and the bleeding ear lobes of little Sakina, as with her flailing arms, she might be trying to protect herself from the hard slaps of laeen as he would mercilessly throw her on the ground.

Maulatuna Zainab could not bear to imagine, how his weak biraadar, Imam Husain sitting helplessly by the date tree with extremely deep pain and so weak, would be thrown on to the ground and laeen standing, scornfully watching at this plight. And see that Maula was slaughtered in front of her eyes

And then Maulana Ali zainulabideen tied by the neck and tugged like a camel amidst the enemies of Islam. Can anyone imagine, this really is happening in front of their eyes?

Maulatuna Zainab and Ummekulsum could not bear to behold how laeen was showing so much cruelty and derobed the daughters and children of Maa Fatema of their sacred honour and dignity. They may be screaming for help, as Zainab was whipped and slapped, but alas! None was there to listen to their woes, there was no place for them to seek shelter or refuge.

Imam Hasan and Husain could not bear to behold their Maa saheba's blood soaked chera mubarak, and then saw her weep inconsolably till death of anguish and grief would snatch her life away.

Syedna reached into our hearts and called upon us to weep and express Noha aweel in these days, as never before.  

We saw the doat and especially Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA on the qudsani takht mubarak, when Maula was reminiscing the ilm and anwaar of his beloved father, whose Zikr of Imam Husain is a great source of ruhaani ilm for ulama and mumineen alike.

 Whenever we heard Maula narating the zikre shahadat of Husain, we saw on the takht mubarak his tears flowing like gushing rivers, especially when he reiterated to us the ehsaanat of Maulana Husain encapsulated in his qudsani dua for all mumineen till qayamat, for their shafa'at in the last moment of shahadat.

The naration of Shahadat of maulana Husain A.S so many times by Aali Qadr Maula TUS , brings waves of tears. It is so intense and sorrowful that our Matam and Noho intensifies.

We pray from the depth of our hearts that May Allah grant Aali qadr maulana Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS the greatest mojiza of constructing and erecting a zareeh of pure 24 carats gold in jannatul baqi and zarih of Rasulullah, and many many projects like SBUT across the world. We pray may Allah grant maula a long life.
