DivyaBhaskar Article

Modi to visit thousand-year-old mosque: Two surprises unfold during renovation of Dawoodi Bohra community's largest mosque in Cairo, Egypt

Narendra Modi will go directly to Egypt from America. The largest and oldest mosque of the Dawoodi Bohra community in the city of Cairo, Egypt, is to be visited there. Modi is going to visit this mosque because this mosque was newly built only six years ago in 2017. Renovated, renovated. The one thousand year old mosque thus became a derelict, but the Bohra community's religious leader of that time, Syedana Mohammad Burhanuddin Sahib, revived this mosque in 1980. Finally Syedana Muffadl Saifuddin, son of Syedana Saheb and current leader of the Bohra community, renovated the mosque in 2017. The name of this mosque is Al-Jami Al-Anwar, the center of faith of the Dawoodi Bohra community. It is also called Al-Hakimi Masjid. Two surprising incidents happened when this mosque was renovated. Which we will talk about next.

First let's know who built this mosque.
It was started by the Fatimid Imam Al-Aziz of Dawoodi Bohra community in 990 AD and completed by his son Imam Al Hakim in 1012. Thus the name of the mosque is Al-Jami Al-Anwar but Imam Hakim completed the construction so it is also known as Al Hakimi Masjid. The mosque covers an area of 13,560 square meters, its central courtyard is spread over 5 thousand square meters. It is said that at that time this was the first mosque in the world which had two minarets built during its construction.

At one time this mosque fell into a dilapidated state
The specialty of the mosque
is not one, but many features of this Egyptian mosque. The architecture of the mosque is Kabulidad. Each and every inscription of the mosque is legendary. The walls and minarets of the mosque are inscribed with verses from the Quran in the Kufic script. Walls, minarets in the mosque are designed with arabesque designs. Arabesque designs are hand-carved designs by special artisans, as if machine-made! Here the verses of the Quran are exquisitely hand-engraved.

Craftsmen have done the carving by hand.
The mosque has been dilapidated several times, rebuilt.
Built in the 11th century, the mosque gradually fell into disrepair. The Bohra community then renovated it in the 14th century, 15th century and 19th century to keep alive the Bohra community's faith and dignity of the mosque. After the 19th century, a picture emerged as if the mosque had become a relic.

In 1980, Syedana Sahib gave a new look to the mosque.
Dafdi Bohra community leader Syedana Mohammad Burhanuddin Sahab decided to renovate this centuries-old mosque so that the unity and faith of the Dawoodi community would remain alive. He made the blueprint of the mosque anew. Funds collected. Negotiations were held with the Egyptian government and work on the mosque began without a hitch.

People of Dawoodi Bohra community are praying towards Mirhab
After the renovation of the mosque in 1980, Syedana Mohammad Burhanuddin Sahib, a cleric of the Dawoodi Bohra community, delivered the Ashra Mubarak sermon.
After the renovation of the mosque in 1980, Syedana Mohammad Burhanuddin Sahib, a cleric of the Dawoodi Bohra community, delivered the Ashra Mubarak sermon.
The process of renovation and restoration of a mosque is known as ihya-ihya. - It means to make alive. This masjid was built with the intention that the Dawoodi Bohra community could worship and remain united. The mosque was inaugurated on November 24, 1980 by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. More than 10 thousand people flocked here on a single day. Sayyidana Sahib preached Ashara Mubarak in the spirit of the Fatimid tradition, commemorating the martyrdom of the Prophet's grandson, Imam Hussain, every day on the 10th of Muharram at the beginning of Muharram.

During the rebuilding of the mosque, two surprising events took place

In 1980, when the mosque was about to be repainted, leaders of the Bohra community noticed that the letters of the Quranic verses carved into the walls had been eroded and lost. Some of the inscriptions have also lost import letters. Where can one find such artisans, hand-imported carvers? This will take a lot of time. The leaders of the Bohra community were upset but Syedana Burhanuddin Sahib said, "Don't worry." It will be arranged. You should ask in different places and especially in the archeology office or even in the museum. The leaders of the Dawoodi Bohra community investigated and found all the lost letters of the Qur'anic import at the Islamic Museum of Art in Cairo. Bringing it to the mosque and placing it next to the broken letters, the fix sat in the same way, as if it had just been plucked out. Everyone was surprised by this.

The premises of the mosque is 5 thousand square meters. It has a thousand years old well on one side. On which the minaret has been built in this way.
The premises of the mosque is 5 thousand square meters. It has a thousand years old well on one side. On which the minaret has been built in this way.
Another phenomenon was that Egypt has the greatest shortage of water. If such a big mosque is to be built, water must be used in the construction. From where to draw water in the midst of scarcity? When the mosque was built in the 11th century, a well was dug in the mosque itself and the water from it was used in the construction. The same problem occurred again in 1980. Where to get water? The well belongs to the 11th century, whether water will come, that was the question. With a little effort, the water in the well started and the mosque was constructed with the same water. The water of this well is considered holy. Another big surprise is that the well is still alive after a thousand years. However, now a big granite minaret has been built around the well so that if millions of people come to the mosque, dirt does not spread.

In the direction of Mecca,
what is inside the mihrab Dawoodi Bohra community mosque? Those who do not know may ask such a question. Just as a Hindu has a temple to pray, a Dawoodi Bohra society has a mosque to pray. A mosque is a sacred place where the community gathers to offer prayers. The head of religion preaches. A mosque has a central place called the mihrab. Dua is said facing the Mihrab. It is said that Mihrab is in the direction of Mecca. In Al Hakimi Masjid, a big golden tree has been made near the mihrab. Which was named 'Tree of Life'.

In 2017, the mosque was again given a new look
Three decades have passed since the new mosque was built in 1980. Again the Dawoodi Bohra community came forward to rebuild the mosque. There were two purposes for renovating the mosque this time. One is that the mosque needed to be rebuilt. Also, the Egyptian government gives more importance to Islamic tourism and this mosque was built as a part of enriching the country by increasing Islamic tourism in Egypt. The mosque was completely rebuilt under the leadership of Syedana Mufadl Saifuddin Sahib, the son of Syedana Mohammad Burhanuddin and currently the head of the Dawoodi Bohra community. New marble was laid, new furniture was made. CCTV and other facilities were digitized. Six years have passed since this renewal. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit the mosque in Cairo to see the world's oldest and Dawoodi Bohra community's largest mosque become resplendent after renovation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has close ties with the Daudi Bohra community.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has close ties with the Daudi Bohra community.
Close ties to Narendra Modi and Syedna Saheb
Ever since Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Daudi has been involved in many programs of the Bohra community. Even after becoming the Prime Minister, he has gone to the program of Dawoodi Bohra community. The reason for this is that Modi has been closely related to the former religious leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community, Syedana Mohammad Burhanuddin Sahib. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also has immense respect for Syedna Muffadal Saifuddin Sahib as he is the patriarch of this community. There are many Daudi Bohras worldwide, with fifty percent of the population living in India.

In Bohra, the spiritual master is the supreme power.
The person sitting in the position of Syedna is considered by the people of the community to be the super authority. Currently Daudi Bohra's Dharmavada Dr. Syed's mufaddal is Saifuddin. He succeeded his father and the 52nd Dai-ul-Mutlaq (Chief) Dr. He assumed the post in January 2014 after the death of Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin. The Daudi Bohra community is an educated, prosperous and trading community.

The Sayyidnas appoint their own ambassadors at home and abroad. It is called amyl. It is Amil who conveys the message of the religious leader to the people. According to the system created by the Bohra cleric Syedna, the permission of the Syedna is required for every social, religious, family and professional function in the Bohra community.

What is Dawoodi Bohra Community?
According to the official website of Dawoodi Bohra community, this community is a descendant of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad. Tayyab Abul Qasim was the 21st and last Imam of Daudi Bohra. After him the tradition of spiritual gurus began after 1132 AD. Who is called Dai-al-Mutlaq Syedna. The Bohra community reached India from Northern Egypt in the 11th century. After 1539 the community expanded rapidly in India. This is the reason why the Bohra community shifted its headquarters from Yemen to Siddhapur in Gujarat, India.

After the death of the 30th Sayyid of this community in 1588, there was a dispute over the position between his descendants Daud bin Qutb Shah and Sulaiman Shah. After that the Bohra community split into two – Dawoodi Bohras and Sulemani Bohras. Sulemani Bohra's office is in Yemen while Daudi Bohra's headquarters is in Mumbai.

This detailed article by divyabhaskar. Article written by Chief Sub Editor, Mr. Yashpal Baxi.
